
We’ll Come to You

In a mid-COVID world, we’ve all become a lot more aware about who’s offering curbside pickup, who requires masks, and who offers contactless service. It’s a part of our life that might never go back to the way it was.

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Is BYOD a Good Idea?

Prior to the pandemic, the topic of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) practices in the workplace was an interesting way to offset IT costs. Today, as we scramble to keep our workforces productive in a wholly unique climate, it’s as if many of us have been forced into implementing some sort of BYOD strategy.

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The Balancing Act

Creating an ITAD plan is all about balance. Striking that perfect mix of function, cost, convenience, and security is different for each customer, but it’s a part of the process that we really love.

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What Happens to My Old Phone?

Your current phone is most likely not your first phone. If you’re like most people, you probably get a new device around every 24 months. So what exactly happens to those old phones?

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ITAD Trends for a New Decade

CDR Global looks into the future of IT asset disposition.

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