

Committed to the highest standards.

  • 93.9M

    pounds of equipment handled

  • 9.9M

    devices processed

  • 145

    school districts served from california to maryland

  • 15

    countries purchasing materials for international reuse & resale

since 2003

  • 33.4M

    pounds of equipment serviced

  • 5.8M

    devices serviced

At CDR Global, we are committed to the highest reuse and recycling standards. Our many industry certifications and our ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility guides our every decision. From the clients we work with to our internal practices, we are passionate about supporting the movement of sustainability in our industry.


Together, we can make an impact.

As leaders, what we do for our environment is vital and we have an opportunity to extend that to our employees. When you join our team, you become part of something bigger than yourself. We’re not just committed to helping our clients achieve sustainability, we live by it.

Our partners for change.

We offer employee incentives and rewards to all who participate in our ongoing employee recycling program where employees are encouraged to reduce, reuse and recycle both at work and at home. Additionally, through the Oklahoma Recycling Association (OKRA), CDR Global can partner with local organizations to help amplify and improve the business of recycling with education, referral services, sponsorship opportunities and more.

Successful sustainability efforts.

We’ve worked with fortune-ranked, multibillion dollar companies to service clients across North America and have added nearly 50 pickup locations from coast to coast. CDR Global abides by a strict no landfill policy for electronics and are glad to provide annual environmental impact reports.

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