
Is Moore’s Law Slowing Down, and Is it Good News or Bad?

Moore’s Law is slowing down, and it’s going to have some interesting ramifications all across the tech industry.

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Wireless Charging: Are We Headed Towards a Cable-Free Future?

Charging cables are a low-grade frustration that each of us deals with on a daily basis. We rely on them for most of the devices that we need to get through our day. We’ve loaded our cars, bags, and homes with spare cables, but no matter how well we plan, we’re always held hostage by cords and adapters. So what’s the future of charging? Is there any chance that we’ll be free of our USB-based shackles?

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What is Quantum Computing and What Does it Mean to Me?

In October of 2019, Google announced that they had achieved “quantum supremacy”. Their announcement sucked up most of the oxygen in the future-of-computing discussion, but earlier in 2019 IBM had also announced that they would soon be offering a quantum computer for business and research purposes.

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Defining Your ITAD Goals

Maybe you’ve got a box of old keyboards in a closet, or maybe you’ve commandeered an empty office that you’ve crammed full of desktop computers, dot-matrix printers, and semi-functional monitors.

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How Does e-Recycling Actually Work?

We all understand the idea that recycling is a good idea, and we’ve even seen the bins where you can recycle old phones or drop off rechargeable batteries for recycling. The importance of it isn’t lost on us, but how exactly does this happen?

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