
How Does e-Recycling Actually Work?

We all understand the idea that recycling is a good idea, and we’ve even seen the bins where you can recycle old phones or drop off rechargeable batteries for recycling. The importance of it isn’t lost on us, but how exactly does this happen?

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About Green Data

Not many people realize exactly how much they can limit their environmental footprint when it comes to their data center operations. If you examine the life-cycle of your hardware, you’ll find a number of points where you can take steps that can help you maximize every dollar that you spend toward your data services while also helping to reduce your overall resource consumption.

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5G – What to Expect

Most of our cellphones currently run on the 4G network. G stands for “generation” and we’ve been operating on this one since about 2009. It has limitations when it comes to how fast it can transfer data, and in some larger cities, open 4G bandwidth is becoming increasingly scarce because of the proliferation of customers and additional devices.

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E-Scrap Recycling

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, then you’re already familiar with e-scrap. Even if you’ve never heard the term before, it’s a concept you’ve certainly encountered.

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Right to Repair

Have you ever been charged $500 to fix a $600 device? Have you wondered why you need a Genius Bar appointment to swap out a battery when it ought to be something you could yourself?

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