
History of Tech Recycling

The history of tech recycling has changed a lot over the past 40+ years. We look at how it started and has evolved into what it is today.

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Pros and Cons of Refurbished Hardware

There are pros and cons of refurbished computers and we outline those to help you make an informed decision about what would work best for you and your company.

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Rethinking Your Printing

Did you know we also get recurring visits from printers and photocopiers? Lots of them. So many, in fact, that we thought it might be a good idea to talk about your printing strategy.

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How to Put Added Value Into Your Old Stuff

In our lifetimes, we’ve become used to the idea that hardware will become obsolete. Everything from circular saws to servers to our toaster is going to eventually be replaced with a newer and better model, and that’s just the way of things.

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Is Shredding Hard Drives the Best Option?

We are talking about NOT shredding hard drives. Before we get going, we aren’t attempting to talk you out of shredding. It’s quick, cost-effective, and extremely successful when it comes to securing data on used hard drives. It works for a lot of our clients. Plus, you know what they say about fixing things that aren’t broken.

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